World Bank
Design of the “essential oil value chain development strategy” in DIANA region in Madagascar
Design of the “essential oil value chain development strategy” in DIANA region in Madagascar
Design of the “artichoke value chain development strategy” in Bizerta Governorate in Tunisia
Implementation of an entrepreneurship attractiveness campaign focusing on the development of ICT in agriculture and targeting 10,000 young people in 7 Governorates in Tunisia
Technical assistance to the “Fonds de Promotion de l’Huile d’Olive Conditionnée” (Bottled Olive Oil Fund) for promoting Tunisian Olive oil in China and in the USA
Technical assistance to 5 Tunisian Organic olive oil exporters in accessing the US market
Selection of 7 agricultural and forest-based value chains to be supported by ANIPEX and preparation of a Business plan
Technical assistance for the development of 3 agricultural and handicrafts value chains (olive oil, cactus figs and halfa grass) in Kasserine, Mid-West Tunisia
Production of a documentary film on the Tunisian Organic sector: “Tunisia: the Organic land” and management of the promotion in the social networks
Technical Assistance to 15 food industries exporters in accessing the US market (olive oil, harissa, tuna fish, dates
Technical and Marketing support to the SME Development Agency in Algeria (ANDPME)
Technical Assistance to 12 Tunisian exporters of organic products to access the UAE market.
Organization of a promotional event “Tunisia Organic Day in Dubai”
Technical assistance to a Women’s Cooperative in exporting essential oils to Canada