Faouzi EL MUFTI, an Economic graduate from the University of Montreal and Executive MBA from the Mediterranean School of Business, is a private sector international expert, with over 20 years of experience in the development of SMEs.
He has a 12-year experience in support, design and technical assistance for private sector companies (development of business plans, sales strategies and internationalization).
For 3 years, Faouzi EL MUFTI was the coordinator of FAMEX (Fonds d’Accès aux Marchés Extérieurs), a 22.5 million USD project funded by the World Bank and the Tunisian Government, to support private sector exporters.
Among his responsibilities, he established and developed a large professional network with the private sector, professional associations, public institutions and financial institutions.
In 2015, he was Expert in market access for MSMEs2 in a UNIDO project in Tunisia, PAMPAT (Project for Market Access of Agro-Food and Local products) to develop 3 value chains in Tunisia (Harissa, organic prickly pears and figs).
His knowledge of MSMEs and markets have positioned him among international donors such as the World Bank and the United Nations as a lead to deliver on major projects in Africa and in the Middle East (Egypt, Jordan).
Faouzi EL MUFTI is a visiting professor at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Commerciales in Tunis (IHEC), the leading Business School in Tunisia.
He is a member of the Executive Board of CONECT International (Confederation des Entreprises Citoyennes de Tunisie), the SME Union.
Key qualifications of Mr EL MUFTI, are :
- Design and implementation of marketing strategies and action plans,
- MSME management coaching,
- Supervision and coordination of projects, and
- Training in management and marketing techniques
Working languages : Arabic, French and English.